Grand Valley Metro Council

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Environmental Programs RFP Questions Answered

• What is your intended timeline to complete production of the marketing materials?

Within 6 months of signing the contract.

• Will LGROW require ongoing support from the contractor as this public awareness campaign launches (i.e. updating graphics for social media and advertising)? If so, what is the timeline for that campaign?

We are not requiring ongoing support as a part of the contract for this project but are open to continuing an arrangement for services if both parties agree.

• Again, what is the estimated budget for the contractor's services?

We were expecting to see estimates in the $5,000 - $7,500 range.


1)      The proposal seems like mostly collateral design/development - you need new signs, ads, and materials. Would you prefer a single project-style relationship, or are you open to starting a retainer-style relationship, where you have a team that works with you on an ongoing basis for marketing/design support? 

a.       Single style project relationship with option to continue the contract if there is need and both parties agree.

2)      Your brand feels very limited. Each piece has a different feel, and you're using a lot of different imagery and typography. Rebranding isn't part of this project scope as defined, but I think, to provide support on these materials, we'll need to define your brand better. Are you open to that? We aren't saying a logo redesign (unless you say so), just setting up your colors/fonts/messaging/styles. 

a.       We already have a design standard we follow and can send it along for this project. We are not interested in rebranding, although we might be open to hear what your thoughts are.

3)      This type of project could range from a small collateral support project with just designing some new materials to really developing campaigns and visionary messaging/advertising. So the proposal could go in a lot of different directions - it could be anywhere from $15,000 to $80,000 depending on just what level of work you're hoping for. it's kind of like asking what a house costs - it can cost anything, it just depends on what you're looking for.

a.       We are just looking for a few pieces of marketing materials that we can build off of for future promotions. We did this same type of project for our Adopt a Drain program, and we are still using those materials.


4)      Do you have a budget in mind for this? A budget would really help us understand what you're looking for, and allow us to build a proposal that fits your budget. Even if you could provide a range ($10,000 - $30,000 or $30,000 - $50,000) any definition will help.              

a.       We were expecting to see estimates in the $5,000 - $7,500 range.


• What specific environmental topics are you hoping to public build awareness of?

We will need marketing materials focusing on general storm water awareness. We will also be targeting a few of the following businesses focusing on general storm water awareness.

o             General storm water awareness

o             Commercial Car Washes

o             Landscaping Companies

o             Snowplow Companies

o             Paving Companies

o             Power Washing Companies

o             Commercial Cleaners

o             Pool Companies

o             School Facilities Staff

o             Home Builders’ Association

o             Real Estate Agents

 • Do you have an existing brand or style guide, and are there any marketing materials (beyond the websites listed in the RFP) already established for the items listed?

We have a basic brand guide for LGROW, nothing specific for this RFP.

•Have you spoken with the local commission to determine the ability to erect the "Now Entering _____ Watershed" signs, and are there specific requirements for doing so?

We are in communication with the local municipalities who are responsible for installing the signs. There are not specific requirements, but the design firm awarded the project will be given more information to create watershed signs that cohesive with current municipal signage.

• Do you expect a campaign strategy for implementation to go along with creating the identified marketing deliverables?

No, we do not. We will be distributing these materials to our local communities, and they will be in charge of distributing.

• What is your budget?

We are expecting proposals to be in the $5,000 - $7,500 range.

Read the Document, here.