Grand Valley Metro Council

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Governor Snyder Meets in Grand Rapids with Regional Leaders to Release Results of Infrastructure Asset Management Pilot

Friday, May 4 the Governor celebrated another milestone for our state with the release of the Regional Asset Management Pilot report. When the 21st Century Infrastructure Commission released their report in December 2016, they recommended the immediate creation of this pilot to identify existing infrastructure data and gaps, determine an appropriate comprehensive database system to house this data, and begin to coordinate amongst asset management data and planning across infrastructure sectors.

The Pilot has accomplished this and so much more. Throughout the past year, the Pilot has convened state department, regional, local and private utility leaders across infrastructure assets of transportation, water, wastewater, stormwater, broadband and energy to create a roadmap for a statewide asset management database and asset management culture.

The joint regional pilot between Region 4 (West MI) and Region 10 (Southeast MI) covered 55 percent of Michigan’s urban, suburban, and rural population with 201 communities, regional entities, and private utilities participating in at least one area of the Pilot process. We had over 15,000 miles of drinking water data submitted, 13,000 miles of wastewater, and 6,000 miles of storm water which can now be used to show how a statewide asset management database will allow us to make better decisions on where and how much we invest.

Please see below for links to the final report, executive summary, press release, suggested talking points, and a power point overview of the Pilot.

Asset Management Pilot Final Report:

Asset Management Pilot Executive Summary:

Press Release:

Talking Points:

PowerPoint Presentation: