We Want Your Input on GVMC's Draft 2018 Public Participation Plan

Grand Valley Metropolitan Council (GVMC) is seeking comment on its updated Public Participation Plan (PPP). This plan is the basic framework for GVMC’s public involvement process for our short- and long-range transportation plans for Kent and eastern Ottawa County. Comments must be received by Wednesday, November 7. Comments may be submitted by phone, mail, email, fax, through gvmc.org, or in person, and should be directed to:  

Andrea Faber, Transportation Planner
Grand Valley Metropolitan Council
678 Front Ave NW, Ste. 200, Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Phone: (616) 776-7603  Fax: (616) 774-9292  Email: andrea.faber@gvmc.org

A hard copy of the draft Public Participation Plan can be viewed at our offices.

Individuals who are unable to view or read the document due to a disability or the need for translation services should contact GVMC no later than Wednesday, October 24, if they wish to comment. 

Andrea Faber