Grand Valley Metro Council

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Message from Executive Director John Weiss Regarding the Michigan Infrastructure Council Single Source Project

A couple of years ago when we were leading the 21st Century Infrastructure Pilot for West Michigan, one of the strongest suggestions from our members and regional partners was to develop a single source of information about future utility and road projects.  This single source would allow municipalities and private infrastructure owners access a single source for information about upcoming projects. It was determined to be a top priority to facilitate and coordinate construction projects on a regional  or even statewide basis.  GVMC currently works with our REGIS and transportation agencies to accomplish some of these goals and enhance cooperation and collaboration. Our members and partners stressed that this “single source” for future construction projects needed to include both public and private utilities, state and local road projects and all types of infrastructure in the road right of way. With a “single source” cooperation, collaboration, partnering and cost savings on projects could occur almost immediately.


As Chairman of the Michigan Infrastructure Council, I made sure this initiative continued to be a priority.  It was one facet of Integrated Asset Management that I heard often from our partners in the region.  Attached you will find a press release from the MICHIGAN Department of Treasury announcing the new statewide Infrastructure Project Portal.  This Portal will allow both public and private utility owners to access their jurisdiction to see projects planned by other asset owners.  Tools are available that allow easy communication to begin the process of cooperation to manage projects in a collaborative manner, coordinate construction, lessen the impact on residents by reducing the impact of multiple and uncoordinated construction projects and saving money by working together.


While this has not been a simple project because of not only the endless number of infrastructure ownership silos, but also past practice and state regulation the “The Portal” is up an running.  In the coming weeks our members will be hearing from Jason Moore and REGIS about incorporating our planned projects with others throughout the state.  Thus far, we have over 10,000 individual projects and have future projects from DTE, Consumers Energy, MDOT, Great Lakes Water System,  local and federally funded roads, a broadband provider in NW Michigan, and a few small water systems.  In the coming weeks we contacting our members and regional partners about uploading our potential projects. To view the MIC news release, click here.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.



John W. Weiss, Executive Director

Grand Valley Metropolitan Council

Suite 200

678 Front Ave. NW

Grand Rapids, MI 49504