GVMC Seeks Public Feedback for Upcoming Federal Certification Review

GVMC is requesting public feedback about the transportation planning process in Kent and eastern Ottawa Counties in preparation for our federal certification review, which will take place from Wednesday, June 8 through Thursday, June 9. Interested members of the public should complete GVMC’s certification survey, which is available in English and Spanish/español, by Monday, June 6, 2022.

Written comments will also be accepted through July 1st, 2022, and should be addressed to:

Andrew Sibold
Federal Highway Administration, Michigan Division
315 West Allegan Street, Room 201
Lansing, MI 48933


Susan Weber
Federal Transit Administration, Region V
200 West Adams Street, Suite 320
Chicago, IL 60606

The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration conduct an evaluation of Michigan Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) as part of the Transportation Management Area (TMA) Certification Reviews every four years, as required by federal law. Public comments are a vital element of the certification review, as they allow citizens to provide direct input on the transportation planning process for their transportation planning area.

For more information on the federal certification process, please contact Laurel Joseph, Director of Transportation Planning, by phone at 616.776.7610 or email.

Andrea Faber