GVMC Environmental Programs Issues RFP for Project Facilitation


Issued by: Grand Valley Metro Council 678 Front Ave., NW #200 Grand Rapids, MI 49504

January 2023

Section 1. RFP Timeline The Request for Proposal timeline is as follows: Action Date Request for Proposal Issuance: January 20, 2023 Request for Proposal Due Date February 17, 2023 Proposal Review Period 10 days Project Partners Selection of Top Proposer March 3, 2023 Contract Negotiations and Final Contract March 30, 2023

Section 2. Introduction and Project Description

The Grand Valley Metro Council (GVMC) is seeking proposals for “Facilitation of Grand River Coastal Corridor Management Team and Comprehensive Management Plan” The Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds (LGROW), an agency of the Grand Valley Metro Council, is a Lead Partner on the West Michigan Coastal Corridor (WMCC) Project and seeks Project Facilitation services to assist with this project. Other Lead Partners include the West Michigan Environmental Action Council and Audubon Great Lakes. LGROW is accepting proposals in response to this Request for Proposal (this “RFP,” or this “Request for Proposal”) to find a qualified source to provide Project Facilitation services. The objective of this Request for Proposal is to locate a service provider that will provide the best overall value to LGROW and the project partners. While price is a significant factor, other criteria will also form the basis of our award decision, as more fully described in the Proposal Evaluation and Contractor Selection section of this RFP below. The purpose of this RFP is to engage landowners and users of selected Natural Areas in Kent, Ottawa and Muskegon Counties to establish a diverse, collaborative Conservation Management Team that will address landscape-level conservation issues through the development of a Comprehensive Management Plan. The project will include, but is not limited to:

● Creation of a Landowner Stakeholder Group and Stakeholder/User Group

● Convening and conducting 4 stakeholder workshops over a 12 month period

● Development of a framework and structure for a Comprehensive Management Plan and funding strategy for the WMCC.

A need to maintain quality control and management of cost and expenses is essential throughout this project. The selected Project Facilitator will be expected to ensure that all applicable labor laws are followed. The project will require the gathering of input from Lead Project Partners and the general public throughout the project. The motivation for the issuance of this RFP is to move forward a project that results in the accurate representation of the communities needs and desires for future management of natural, ecologically important areas in West Michigan. The measures of success for the project to be evaluated are:

1. Engaging 90% of the stakeholders in joining the LSG or and ISG, and eventually the WMCC Conservation Management Team

2. The completion of and inclusive community participation in stakeholder workshops

3. The completion of the management strategy review

4. An agreement within WMCC Conservation Management Team regarding next steps for development of a Conservation Management Plan.

The project budget under the scope of this RFP has some level of flexibility to accommodate outreach to the local communities. We would request that at least one public meeting be held in each county (in addition to the Stakeholder meetings). Additional outreach may be needed. For these reasons, this RFP asks for respondent’s hourly rates for service and any other associated costs.

Section 3. RFP Submittal and Closing Date

LGROW invites firms and individuals to submit proposals, which will be accepted by LGROW either by mail or electronically until 5 pm, (EST), February 17, 2023, at: GVMC/LGROW Attn: Wendy Ogilvie 678 Front Ave., NW, Suite 200 Grand Rapids, MI 49504 or wendy.ogilvie@gvmc.org (with subject line: West Michigan Coastal Corridor Study Project Facilitation Proposal) Questions that arise prior to the RFP deadline shall be addressed to Wendy Ogilvie at either of the above contact methods Proposers shall submit questions in writing no later than seven days prior to the submittal due date.

Section 4. Submission Guidelines and Requirements

The following submission guidelines and requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:

1. As described in Section 3, proposals must be received no later than February 17, 2023, at 5:00 pm (EST). Late submittals will not be accepted.

2. Only qualified individuals or firms with prior, similar project facilitation experience should submit proposals in response to this RFP.

3. Proposers must list at least 1 project that is substantially similar to this project as part of their response, including references. Examples of work should be provided as well.

4. Proposals must include a technical element that provides an overview of the proposed approach as well as a list of qualifications for all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable.

5. Proposals must include a detailed fee estimate for each task, and hours estimated for completion of each phase of the project based on and directly related to the worker hour estimate. The fee proposal shall also include costs related to overhead, meetings and presentations, direct expenses (i.e. travel, reproduction, presentation boards, etc.) and profit.

6. Proposals must include a description of method of approach, strategy, and/or ability to understand, facilitate, and complete the tasks. 7. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than two (2) pages. This price proposal should indicate the hourly rates for service and any other associated costs.

8. Proposals must be signed by an authorized representative.

9. Please submit a standard set of terms and conditions with your proposal, if desired. All terms and conditions will be subject to negotiation.

10. Proposals must remain valid for a period of 60 days.

11. The Project Team anticipates selecting at least two individuals or firms with whom to have more in-depth discussions, before making an award.

Section 5. Project Scope

The scope of this project entails the following. Outcome 1.1 – A Landowner Stakeholder Group (LSG), including owners of large public and private lands in the WMCC, will be convened as well as an Interested Stakeholder/ User Group (ISG) in Year 1. The names of individuals in these groups have already been identified and will be reviewed with the Project Facilitator. LSG will initially focus on review of existing management strategies, while the ISG will focus on issues of recreational access. These groups will merge to form the WMCC Conservation Management Team and begin work on a collaborative WMCC Management Plan. Stakeholders interviewed for Audubon’s Grand River Coastal Corridor Study: Ecological Assessment and Conservation Recommendations report or participating in the follow up webinar will join one of these two groups. Outcome 1.2 – Project Facilitator will assist Lead Partners in holding at least 4 stakeholder workshops in Year 1 to a) gauge interest in developing a Conservation Management Plan for the West Michigan Coastal Corridor, b) identify additional team members to ensure that a diverse group of stakeholders will be at the table, c) identify landscape level issues and threats to the ecosystem, and d) gather current management plans and data sources. Outcome 1.3 – The GRCC Conservation Management Team will develop a framework and organizational structure by the end of Year 2 and work with the Team to develop a draft of a comprehensive conservation management plan and funding strategy for the WMCC. This plan will support existing management strategies of all stakeholders, such as green stormwater infrastructure plans, climate resiliency initiatives, and economic impact analyses.

Section 6: Lead Partners Responsibilities

The Lead Partners will be responsible for hosting a project initiation meeting to discuss the overall project objectives and schedule. Lead Partners will provide information to the Project Facilitator that has been previously collected, including stakeholder contacts and conversations, data collected for mapping priority parcels, and outreach efforts to communities. Lead Partners will coordinate regular check in meetings and review of final documents

Section 7. Proposal Evaluation and Contractor Selection Evaluation Process

Proposals submitted on time will be reviewed by Project Partners including, but not limited to, staff from LGROW, West Michigan Environmental Action Council, and Audubon Great Lakes. The Lead Partners reserve the right to engage in negotiations to determine the proposal that is in the overall best interests of the intent of the project. Neither LGROW nor the selected firm shall be legally bound in any way until a contract is signed. Selection of the Project Facilitator will be made in consideration of the following:

● Proposed work plan and thoroughness of the proposed scope of work.

● The qualifications of the firm or individual and experience regarding similar studies.

● The capacity of the individual or firm to meet the project timelines.

● The reasonableness of the allocation of resources to the various tasks.

● The consultant's demonstrated understanding of the project and local political and environmental issues.

● Proposed hourly fee and expenses.

Section 8: Additional Information

Any questions concerning this Request for Proposals can be directed to: Wendy Ogilvie Director of Environmental Programs Grand Valley Metro Council 678 Front Ave., NW, Suite 200 Grand Rapids, MI 49504 (616) 776-7605 wendy.ogilvie@gvmc.org

Bill Wood Executive Director West Michigan Environmental Action Council 1007 Lake Dr SE Grand Rapids MI 49506 616-451-3051 bwood@wmeac.org

Erin Rowan Ford Conservation Manager, Michigan Audubon Great Lakes and MI DNR MI DNR Detroit Customer Service Center 1801 Atwater St. Detroit, MI 48207 (310) 383-7353 Erin.ford@audubon.or

Please view the full document, here.

Guest UserRFP, Job Opening