Performance-Based Planning and Programming

Current federal surface transportation legislation includes several provisions that have increased the focus of the Federal surface transportation program toward the achievement of performance outcomes. In accordance with the surface transportation legislation, GVMC is coordinating with our local, state, and federal partners to implement performance-based planning and programming (PBPP) in our region. This page will be updated regularly to reflect developments in the process. 

Federal Performance Measures

Transit Safety

Transit Asset Management

  • Rolling Stock: Percentage of revenue vehicles exceeding Useful Life Benchmark (ULB)

  • Equipment: Percentage of non-revenue service vehicles exceeding ULB

  • Facilities: Percentage of facilities rated under 3.0 on the Transit Economic Requirements Model (TERM) scale

  • Infrastructure: Percentage of track segments underperformance restriction (only applies to rail fixed guideway systems)

Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ)

  • Peak Hour Excessive Delay per Capita

  • Percent of Non-single occupancy vehicle travel

  • Total Emissions Reductions

Performance Targets

Under the federal PBPP requirements, states and MPOs must set targets for each of the federal performance measures. States set their targets first and then MPOs have 180 days from the time the state sets targets to decide whether to support state targets, develop their own regional targets, or a combination of both, depending on the measure. Timelines vary based upon the effective dates of each final rule (see FHWA TPM Implementation Timeline link below). GVMC has been participating in target development coordination meetings with MDOT and federal partners. See below for targets that have been finalized. 


Chart of the Safety Targets for Calendar Year 2022.

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)

Transit Safety

At the beginning of each fiscal year, The Interurban Transit Partnership (The Rapid) communicates its safety performance targets listed below to the State of Michigan Department of Transportation and the Grand Valley Metropolitan Council. The plan and the transit safety performance targets were approved in November by the Grand Valley Metropolitan Council Policy Committee.

Modes of Service Covered by this Plan:

MB DO: Fixed Route Service, directly operated
VP DO: Van Pool, directly operated
DR PT: Paratransit, currently operated by MV Transit
RB DO: Bus Rapid Transit, directly operated

Chart of Transit Safety Performance Targets for fiscal year 2019/2020.

Transit Asset Management

Chart of Transit Asset Management Measures.


Chart of Pavement and Bridge Performance Measures.

System Performance/Freight

Chart of System Performance Measures.

Federal Performance Management Resources

FHWA Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Website

FHWA TPM Implementation Timeline

FTA Performance Management Website

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