GVMC Seeks Input from Consultation Agencies on Proposed Projects for 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan

Grand Valley Metropolitan Council (GVMC) is asking federal, state, tribal, and local agencies responsible for land use management, natural resources, environmental protection, conservation, transportation/transit services, economic development, human services, historic preservation, and land use planning to review GVMC's draft lists of projects for the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) as well as the corresponding map and compare these projects to their own long-range planning goals and documents to ensure that there are no conflicts as part of GVMC's consultation process for the document. Project lists and additional information about the consultation process are available on our website.

GVMC is asking all consultation agencies to respond with their feedback on or before January 8, 2020. Comments should be directed to Andrea Faber and may be submitted by email, phone (616.776.7603), online using the "Submit a Comment" button, or in person at GVMC's office (678 Front Ave. NW, Suite 200, Grand Rapids, MI 49504).

Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services and those in need of translation or interpreter assistance to participate in the consultation process should contact Andrea Faber to request accommodations.

Andrea Faber