Air Quality Conformity Report for Draft 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Available for Public Comment

As part of its transportation planning process, the Grand Valley Metro Council (GVMC) and the West Michigan Metropolitan Transportation Planning Program (WestPlan) completed the transportation conformity process for the draft GVMC 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), the WestPlan 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), as well as the Macatawa Area Coordinating Council (MACC) 2045 (LRTP), all three FY2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs), and relevant portions of the State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP).

The results of the conformity process are located in the Transportation Conformity Determination Report for the 1997 Ozone NAAQS document. This report documents that the GVMC 2045 MTP, WestPlan 2045 LRTP, the MACC 2045 LRTP, and all three associated 2020-2023 TIPs, as well as the STIP in Ottawa and Kent counties, meet the federal transportation conformity requirements in 40 CFR Part 93.

The Transportation Conformity Determination Report for the 1997 Ozone NAAQS is subject to public comment. GVMC’s public comment period for the document will run from Monday, January 13 – Monday, February 3. Please submit comments to Andrea Faber by email, by phone at (616) 776.7603, or online using the “submit a comment” button. Comments received will be recognized and considered, and a response provided. On Wednesday, March 18, at the regularly scheduled Policy Committee meeting, the Policy Committee will be asked to make a formal conformity determination through a resolution. This meeting is open to the public. Our committee meeting schedule and agendas are located here.

For more information on air quality conformity, please visit our Air Quality Conformity page.

Andrea Faber